What is adjustment counseling?
Changes in your eyesight impact every aspect of life, from personal relationships to your own sense of who you are as a person. Fear of social isolation and losing independence are common responses to vision loss. Counseling supports you in facing the challenges of adjusting to vision loss.
It’s a Process:
When presented with a major life transition or crisis different people will respond differently based on their experience. Yet research shows emotionally adapting to vision loss involves moving through several distinct phases: Initial trauma, Shock and denial, Mourning and withdrawal, Succumbing and depression, Reassessment and reaffirmation, Coping and mobilization, and Self-acceptance and self-esteem.
(Tuttle, Dean W., and Naomi R. Tuttle. Self-esteem and Adjusting with Blindness: The Process of Responding to Life’s Demands. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 2004. Print.)